Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Front cover magazine research 2

Genre: Pop
The target audience for this front cover would be fans of Leona Lewis as the main image of the front cover is of Leona Lewis the magazine is searching to grab in the fans of Leona Lewis, all people who are interested in Pop music are also the target audience of the magazine as Leona Lewis is a pop singer and she is placed with a big full image at the front cover of the magazine showing that main target audience of the magazine are the people who are interested specifically in the genre of pop. Additionally due to the fact that Leona is in her mid 20’s the main target audience who are interested in her music would teenagers in their late teens and people in their 20’s up to 30’s therefore they would be the main age target audience for the magazine.
The image of the singer Leona Lewis relates to the music genre of the magazine pop as Leona is a famous pop singer therefore she is associated with the genre of the magazine and she is known for this genre therefore an image of her would relate very well to the music genre. The only image placed on the magazine cover is the picture of Leona Lewis, this emphasises the importance of the image of Leona Lewis on the magazine cover as this shows that the main audience that are targeted are her fans. Also the fact that there are no other images a part from the image of Leona shows that the main focus should be on Leona’s music throughout the magazine and it shows the importance of the singer Leona as avoiding any other images on the page shows that the magazine producers want her to be the main focus as other images would take away the full concentration on the singer which is the main reason they have been avoided on the page.
The framing of the image uses the rule of thirds in which a mid shot of Leona is used taking up the most space however the upper and most half of her body is posing towards the right side, this use of framing made it possible for the copy to be placed on both the left and right side of the magazine cover, this made the copy effective as it was clear for the audience to be able to read. Also the framing used within this magazine cover made the singer Leona Lewis be the main attraction of the magazine and made the image of the singer be more effective on the front page of the magazine cover as it stands out well for the target audience to be able to notice the singer and grab the magazine. A mid-shot is used within the framing where we can only see the upper half of Leona Lewis’s body and the bottom half is then cropped out of the picture this makes the image more effective as it gives the image more depth of field which then makes the image clearer and more interesting for audiences who are about to buy the magazine.  
The costume used within the mise-en-scene is very basic and does not use much conventional costume in order to convey messages and relate to the genre directly, however the costume used does still convey some meaning as the top Leona is wearing is basic and she is also wearing some jewellery, this is familiar to her fans which are the main target audience of the magazine as Leona is known for her simple and basic clothing therefore this would be acceptable to her fans and they would notice who the singer is. Also her simplistic clothing could relate to the target audience as she looks ordinary therefore similar to her fans. Also the colour of the costume used is black, dark clothing is usually associated with parties or concerts as the colour is very common within these events therefore this further links to the music genre of pop. Also the colour black used within the clothing is very effective as the background is white therefore the image stands out very well and is clear for the audience to see as it contrasts with the white background.
The name of the magazine is Blender, this name comes from the machine which mixes everything together all in order for one outcome therefore the name will suggest that there will be a variety of music information in the magazine, therefore suggesting that many people will find some interest in the magazine as it will include a mix of content on music and especially the music genre of pop. The name of the magazine is very relevant to the content in which it covers therefore this name will catch the audience’s attention as it shows them there are variety of pop music news and interviews which makes them more interested in buying the magazine.
Within the strap lines various things are advertised which all reflect and link to the genre of the magazine as they are mainly about other pop singers. For instance the main strap line at the top of the magazine reads “look out Mariah Carey…” this suggests rivalry between Mariah Carey and Leona Lewis in order to be famous high rated pop singers in the music industry, this interests the audience as it instantly makes them think there are problems between the two singers which gets them more excited to read the news inside the magazine and they are more likely to buy it out of interest in order to find out why this particular quote was used in the front cover of the magazine. Also mentioning another pop singers name in another strap line appeals to the audience as they are audience that are interested in pop therefore will be more interested in buying the magazine if they notice that the content will include many pop singers.
Bold, black typeface is used in the strap lines of the magazine this has a very good effect on the text used as it makes it very clear for the audience and they are more likely to be able to understand and read the writing even before buying the magazine which makes it successful for audiences as it the typeface is clear for them they are more likely to see what some of the content of the magazine will be which then grabs them further and interests them more in the content of the magazine. 

contents analysis 2

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Reseach task(contents page 1)

The layout used in this contents page is very organised and very clear in order for it to be easy to read and not cause any problems to target audiences such as not being able to read it or to tell the difference between the different things on the contents page. This contents page is as simple as it could be probably for the quality of it to be good in order for the audience to be more interested in reading what will be in the contents of the magazine. To keep the page clear the copy in the contents page is placed on the left hand side of the page and split and organised by numbers down the page, whereas the images on the page are placed to the right side of the page, this is to keep these images clear and visible to the target audience of the magazine. The image which is placed right in the middle of the grabs the most attention compared to the other images on the page. This is because this image enforces the theme of the magazine as we see included in the contents saying “Christmas in July”.
The title “contents” is placed right at the top of the page taking up nearly all the width of the page, this makes the title visible and clear to audiences. The title is also in big and bold font which enforces its clearness to the audience. This makes the title easy for audiences to read and it catches their full attention as soon as they get to the page.
The images on the contents page are far more larger than the copy which shows the importance of images in a magazine as they are the main focus this is because images are more likely to grab the audience which the magazine is willing to find, therefore making the images larger than the text makes audiences be interested in the content of the magazine more, as they would have seen an image of their favourite singer or musician which makes them want to know more about where they are in the magazine and what the magazine have to say about the particular person that is placed in the contents.
Overall the contents page is very simple and does not include much content which should grab the reader or viewer, this is because it is not the face of the magazine as the main face of the magazine is the front cover therefore the front cover has to be more professional in order for audiences attention to be pulled by the techniques used on the front page of the magazine. Mainly the contents page is not seen as very important for the magazines sales.

Research task(double page spread 2)

Reseach task( double page spread 1)